Top tips for bathing safety...
Did you know that an estimated 28% of injuries are caused when getting into the bath? That's a fairly high figure!
We've put together our 5 top tips to help prevent slips and trips in the bathroom....(without having to modify it!)
1. Consider using some grab rails
Grab rails can be really useful to help you manoeuvre safely around your bathroom. They can also help when you need to move from a seated to a standing position.
They start from as little as £5, so a worthwhile purchase!
2. Avoid slippy surfaces
Easier said than done in a bathroom, right? Wet floors can present a hidden risk (and are one of the most common causes of slips). Make sure you have a non-slip mat down or use towels to soak up any excess water from the bath or shower. It sounds like common sense, but it's little precautions that can make a big difference to your safety.
3. Clear the clutter
Things that go bump in the night do not have to include you! Ensure you have a clear pathway to the bathroom for those night time toilet trips that we sometimes have to take.
4. Take your time
Occasionally, we all get caught short and need an emergency trip, but again remember "safety first" and take your time, otherwise your emergency trip might be to A&E!
5. Treat yourself to a Bathing Cushion
A bathing cushion provides additional comfort and safety at bath times. It will lower you down into the bath, and also lift you back up again! Candor Care offer a range of Mangar bathing cushions, and you can watch a video from Mangar about how you could benefit here......